Friday, April 18, 2008

THIS Isn't a Dream!

map from the U.S. Geological Survey

Why is the bed shaking?

Brian’s not home . . . how can Lucy possibly have managed this one, she’s in her crate.
Did I leave the washing machine running? Sophie? The bed WAS shaking, and I could hear something outside moving.

An Earthquake? I had felt this before, but I used to live in Seattle. It IS my nephew’s birthday today, so maybe it was just my sister waking up and realizing that her eldest was turning 18.

It’s almost 6 A.M., So I’ll get up. Turned on the news. Nothing.
Had my coffee, read the FREEP, still nothing on television.
So I went on the internet. Nothing . . . nothing . . . AH there!

One of the first entries to post was from Wikipedia: “The April 18, 2008 Midwest Earthquake, the largest ever recorded in the state of Illinois[1], (Magnitude 5.4) occurred at 4:37am (5:37 EDT). It was centered near West Salem, Illinois, specifically 38.520°N, 87.873°W[2] and felt as far away as eastern South Dakota, including Cedar Rapids, IA”
You gotta love Wikipedia, they scooped the local news AND everyone else on the internet.

Others soon followed:
From The Evansville Courier: “The shaking, which started at about 4:35 a.m. CDT, lasted about 10 seconds. Early reports at the put the preliminary magnitude of the earthquake at 5.4 and the epicenter six miles east of West Salem, Ill. about 44 miles northwest of Evansville.”

From the Chicago Tribune: “The tremors could be felt in downtown Chicago at the Tribune Tower, 435 N. Michigan Ave., for about 20 seconds beginning around 4:40 a.m. Numerous people from across the Chicago area reported being awakened by rattling windows and shifting furniture.”

Now the local news is all over it, you’d think they’d be embarrassed coming late to the party, but no, they never are.

The funniest part to me, Brian is in California, of all places, and missed the excitement. That’s what he gets for leaving Adrian, (the epicenter of Lenawee country).

But back to TOP story.

A big STOLAT to Jason.

Not many of us here in Michigan have the earth move on our 18th birthday.

- - - David


Anonymous said...

Bummer!! I missed it.

I'm missing a lot lately in Adrian . . . okay well, missing David and the dogs a lot.

I assume our fine china is okay.


Anonymous said...

Interesting. I live in MI for 25 years and now that I've moved to a place which experiences earthquakes more frequently AND traveled to Cali, home of the whopper (seismically speaking), NOW MI gets to feel one. Boo on that...I think.

PS What up with Dion and where the heck's O'Farrell these days? I miss his karaoke and wig laden antics.

Oh! I don't know if it will work out but I'll be in town from the 10th-14th FYI.