Thursday, December 11, 2008


Watching the bulbs grow

The highlight of my life? Sadly, it’s Therapy . . . and that’s ending soon. That either means I’ve progressed so far that it’s no longer beneficial to throw a ball at the trampoline while balancing n one foot OR it means I’ve stopped progressing and I’ll be dizzy for as long as I last.

It’s been almost two months since I left the hospital. The walker and the shower chair are gathering dust, I actually read 15 pages yesterday, what do I have to whine about? The answer is NOTHING. I know that I am lucky to be alive. I am lucky to be given the chance to give up smoking and to give up drinking, and to give up ladders . . . but I want to go outside!

Be careful what you wish for. Two dogs and a husband? Got em. A quiet house with a yard and a white picket fence? Check. No retail work on Saturday? Oh what I wouldn’t give for the voice of a stranger asking why my pots are so expensive.

So what that I almost fell off a step stool hanging holiday greens? I can get around, can’t I? Why the heck would I want to go to Meijer anyway? What’s so special? Thank the gods for the TV, and for the ease of typing on facebook (If you want to join, email me. I’d be happy to invite you. it’s fun!)

I am trying to be careful, to be grateful, to be patient and to be hopeful. I really am! But I am getting tired, and I really want to go outside!

I’ll stop complaining, I am fine. I better get on with my day, Brian was even nice enough to get me the N Y Times, before he left for work. There are places to go, at least in my mind.

- - - David


ginny loveland said...

david ...can you drive yet??? or maybe you have already driven!
congratulations on graduating from therapy....

i am so glad that you have written on the offense steph but i was getting weary of seeing feast day of st.eph (since i check the blog several times a day hoping for a new entry)...welcome back to the blog...
we all miss the blog..WE ALL LOVE THE BLOG
welcome back blog...

David Stas said...

No,I need to pass a test before the Dr. Okays the road,
thanks for asking.