Saturday, January 3, 2009

Driving, (me crazy?)

Marcy wrote at 11:37 am (on facebook)
“Sandy is driving too...driving me crazy! :)”


Today, I drove. This is a major moment. This should be a historical red letter day . . . everybody, holiday, NO working! Drinks are on us!

I still walk and talk like I’ve been spending a little time (and a little money) at the bar at Cub’s, but there I was behind the wheel, and I was doing OKay.

I started safely, in an empty parking lot, but it wasn’t long before I headed out to the mean streets of Adrian. There was traffic, the normal running of the stop signs, the normal pick-ups going 20 over, even the normal pulling out into traffic, ahh, life, I love the smell of danger in the morning.

I even pulled onto Adrian’s equivalent of the Indy 500 . . . U.S. 123. Brilliance. Whoever chose the name 1 - 2 - 3 gets a prize, great numbers. Better yet, Brian gets a prize for having the nerve to sit in the passenger seat. The dogs? No prize, they’d drive with anyone.

For those shaking their heads and thinking, “what’s the big woof, we drive every day”, I say : try sitting in the house or better yet the hospital, too, for 3 months (oh, and throw in some pureed food, some tubes AND then quit smoking.)

How many of us remember learning how to walk and talk? I try to keep the same attitude as a toddler, “So, I’m a little wobbly, I’m getting there!” Walk slowly, smile broadly, cry often, don’t pay attention to people who are watching, these are good guidelines when you are toddling . . . kids do this automatically, they have the right idea, I give them credit. You will notice that few toddlers carry hot cups of coffee, there’s a good reason for this.

Now I am to driving again. This one I remember. So, we could have a few fender benders, I’ll be careful, (isn’t that what the kids say?)

- - - David


Anonymous said...

It was truly monumental to see you drive again. But I just want to caution you not to look for US 123 since we live near US 223. But the story was great!

David Stas said...

I like 123 better, don't you?