Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stroke, Stroke.

October 2008, Just visiting

Brian has been in San Francisco all week, I’ve been living alone (with the grrls) knowing that IF something goes wrong, well, I’m on my own. I keep my cell phone in my pocket. There’s only so much Lucy can do. She’s limited. Sitting on me can only help SO much. Don’t get me wrong, even if I die tonight, I am only grateful. Shoot, B took me to Hawaii! I saw Obama inaugurated. Karen asked me what my third wish was . . .

When I was in the hospital, even though everyone was very kind. I felt imprisoned. Now I just feel alone. These little feelings of numb dizziness come and go, but when they start I get a little freaked, thinking this is IT. Then they go away and I can pretend I am normal. I’ve been doing THAT pretending since before puberty, so I am well practiced, an expert. This time I even have a sticker for the cars and a cane when I need it. But this time, like at the beginning, I am alone. If I talk about it I scare people. So I don’t. Brian and Karen and YOU are scared enough already. Shut up!

I just want the 20 more years the statisticians quoted me. I want to chase Lucy around the yard, to garden, to laugh like I used to, to stop crying like a baby but I’ll take a dizzy less day. Heck, I’ll take the day.

So, I have two months and 2 days more to get “normal”. Some people think 6 months will be as good as it gets. Some feel a year long recovery is possible. Me? I am going for the long shot.

Wouldn’t you?

- - - David

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I was reading this, when I got to the part where you think this might be it, I suddenly had a vision of you as Fred Sanford, "I'M COMIN' ELIZABETH!" It made me chuckle. A lot of things that go on in my head are like that. :) I hope that picture gives you a chuckle too