Thursday, January 8, 2009

49 Down, 1 To Go

Ah . . . laska, #49

June, 2006, On the shores of Sadie Cove on The Kenai Peninsula (near Homer)

Today I walked the slushy, snowy streets of Ann Arbor. I was without walker, I was without cane, I wobbled but I went. The only thing that Dr. Bennett, the optometrist, called out was a little less acuity, vision wise, but I knew that even BEFORE the stroke. I need new glasses. Not “Don’t drive!” Not “ Oh, that’s to be expected with a stroke.” Nothing. I felt almost normal. As if we were celebrating, we bought a new pair of glasses AND new contacts AND had lunch at Zingerman's Roadhouse. Ah Life!

Then I thought, “Oh gods, let this continue long enough to get me to Hawaii. (jinx, jinx)”

Home alone, normalcy, t.v., desk, computer, facebook, hours. Then I felt a swoon. I never knew what a swoon was before. But I felt one.

Dizzier than I ever felt before, I was immobilized with fear. And I was immobilized with immobilization. Reaching for the phone for help, it rang. As if by secret twin powers, it was Brian. “Call me back. Give me a minute,” I said. Then it passed.

Was it the great spirit saying “I’m in Charge. Not you. This good stuff can end ANY time. Didn’t you get the message the first time?”

I am perfectly fine now. Reading away. Walking like nobody’s business. Packing.

Which brings us to Saturday. Lift off. (jinx, jinx) Our trip to Hawaii and my question.

When the plane lands in Oahu, my 50th state, will the band play? Will the fat lady sing? Will the Grim Reaper be waiting for me, pointing his bony finger at a hole in the sandy soil? Nooooooo!

I’m not finished.

After I hit my 50th state I have every intention of visiting ALL the countries too. I’ve ONLY been to the USA, Canada, Mexico, Italy, Switzerland, France and Spain. According to there are 193 countries to visit PLUS Kosovo (disclaimer), Palestine, Greenland and Western Sahara AND a lot of Dependencies and Territories TOO! I’ve only been to 7!

7 down, LOTS to go.

- - - David

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