Monday, January 5, 2009


I once was lost but now I'm found.

There was a time I was a little too addicted to this website. They post something strange everyday. A polaroid of an odd couple, an eerie shopping list, a note written by a kid being bullied . . . anything is possible, all of it is found, most of it takes me by surprise.

It all started years ago, with a note found on a windshield in Chicago. . This evolved into a magazine. Then another, talk radio (NPR among them), tours, a website, international fans; much followed.

Fame. Not too bad for a couple of kids with a fixation for the odd? Now the staff is HUGE.

Oh, and my friend Ginny knows one of the founders, Davy Rothbart, (from Ann Arbor).

Oh, and on Saturday I was found (above).

When the addiction was at it’s zenith, before facebook, a little over 2 years ago, we were renovating the kitchen. One day I tore down a wall that exposed the area under the stairs. It was odd, It was an eerily empty space. Hobie the cat and I immediately explored. There was a lot of dust, a few small kids toys and this strange piece of paper.

I read it and put it with the rest of the small objects we had found around the house. OK, I had found around the house. I keep most everything. There is a fine line separating me from that and an apartment stuffed full of newspapers and cockroaches. Finders Keepers is a comforting mantra to me. A piece of paper with a typewritten message is a FIND. I’m someone who thinks a dirty old miniature dog is a treasure, after all. I kept it. Then on a whim I sent a photo of it to Found™. Saturday, almost 2 years after I sent it in, it was published. I didn’t know until I got a Google Alert.

“Squeeze my cheeks and I’ll give you a kiss.”

or follow you anywhere.

ask Brian.

- - - David

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new "found fame". I'm a huge fan of the magazine. This kind of fame is better than "porn star famous" (not that I would know first hand, but I'm sure "porn star famous" is a very nice kind of famous.) So very cool.