Sunday, September 7, 2008

A few shots from this morning's wedding

A few minutes after midnight, the Reverend Ruby Montana with the powers vested in her by the state of California, pronounced us MARRIED!
There wasn't a dry eye by the pool.

That's not to say it was all seriousness and solemnity.

the WEDDING party
Brad Brock, David, Reverend Ruby Montana, Brian and Rebecca Chekouras

A Big toast to the camera woman, Rebecca
Brad, Ruby, Judy, Len, Lee Ellen, Becky, Amanda, and US


Anonymous said...

Always remember the commitment and promises you've made every day for the rest of your days - if you touch on them even for a minute on your busiest days - there's nothing the two of you can't conquer. Happiness and love always.
Thank you for sharing the ceremony.

Molly said...

I happened across your site via "rescue dogs" and have been following your story for the past week or so. Congratulations to both of you! Looks like a wonderful time!