Thursday, September 11, 2008

America . . . a WONDERFUL Place for a Drive with the Dogs

Lucy, Sophie and the newlywed Brian Brockowski
near the shore of Lake Isabella, California

Tonight, just as the iPhones chimed midnight, we have made it to Cedar City, Utah.

Today we wandered through Yosemite, (YO-s'mighty, to her friends), for hours then drove through mighty wonderous landscapes and one spiritual storm in Nevada. 15 hours and 541 miles.

Yesterday it was over 500 miles up the middle latitude of the Sunshine State, a drive through the Sierras, a circuitous tour of Sequoia National Park followed by a quick bypass of Fresno and a dark ride into Fish Camp, California.

It is 2 in the morning at the Motel 6 on Hwy 56.

I is tired, that is all I can say for now.

After some sleep, we take on southern Utah!

- - - David


ginny loveland said...

david and brian
thanks for being awake enough to give us all an update...i keep checking all the time to see where u 2 r and am living my life via yours...
cant wait to see the pictures ...allllll of them...i want to savor each one..i love our countries vastness and variety and sometimes just get stuck looking around my own little backyard and forget to look beyond my fence...
be safe

David Stas said...

Thanks ginny, Sweet kind and wonderful to hear from you, as usual.
Nice to know you're reading, sometimes I wonder if anyone is.