Sunday, July 12, 2009

A little more Eating in New Orleans: Part Three

The ceilings are as high as our expectations had become in this town.

For dinner on Wednesday in New Orleans We walked a few blocks and into a place I will admit the snob in me never thought I would. An Emeril Lagasse restaurant. BAM! It's not his food, no, he's just a little too, too for me, a little too energetic, a little too infomercial. But this place came so highly recommended, I mean not only everyone BUT Jeff likes it, how could I not? I am glad we did.

Appetizers were broiled oysters and a sausage brushetta. Dinners were Rib Eye for him and a Pork Tenderloin, the freshest green beans and the most amazing dish of Mac n' Cheese I EVER had.

Dessert was a lucious Strawberry Shortcake I meant to share.

I think there might have been a chilled bottle of French Rosé in there somewhere.

And so ended our third night in New Orleans. BAM!

The morning dawned and a new day beckoned. But it did so gently with hot coffee and A few fried orbs of sugared dough around the corner from our hotel at a little off shoot of a more famous place in the Court of the Two Sisters. Cafe Beignet. We did eat outside in a shaded court. So it was a yellow Police Station, it was nice and their were kittens.

We took a ride out to the Garden Distict for a little touring and to check out our dinner restaurant (anal, yes, but I did say this trip had a bit of a food theme). As we made out way into the Garden District we came accross B's 1st New Orleans Cemetary, BONUS! Well, he put up with it nicely, I was the excited one. First a streetcar, touring houses, viewing a cemetery and checking plans . . . heaven.

Then a ride back into the French Quarter and a cab to a piece of heaven we would both agree to. "Willie Mae's Scotch House", in the 9th Quarter, for the WORLD'S BEST FRIED CHICKEN. The afternoon was bright and hot, the line was long, carefully clinging to the shadows but friendly, we opened the door to give them a name and we’re met with the aroma of the gods.

This made the seemingly LONG wait both endurable and invigorating. We were let in at last and presented with a family plate of chicken I swear was the best thing these lips EVER met. (And I’ve been around). The coating was ethereal and slightly spicy and the meat was perfect, just perfect. Even the Red and Butter Beans were angelic.

I WILL be back.

- - - David

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