Thursday, May 8, 2008

Love was blind

This morning our friend Anioł passed away.

Ani has been in my life for 15-1/2 years, and in Brian’s for 13. She lived from coast to coast and died in between. Words cannot describe her loyalty, bravery or stoicism (in the ancient Greek sense.)

Ani was half blind before she was a year old and fully blind since 2004. But until the end she made her way through the world with determination. In the old days she ran and swam with the best of them, more recently her walk was slower but no less sure. She has taught me the meaning of not giving up and the true sense of beauty.

She was a trooper, but at 16 her long life finally took it’s toll on her body. Her Vet told us that she was in pain and there wasn’t anything else we could do. She was able to spend the last few days with us eating whatever we could think of that she loved. Her appetite, which she had lost when faced with a prescription diet, returned with gusto and she feasted until the last moment.

I would write more about her life, but that will have to wait awhile, until it’s a little easier to laugh. Until then feel free to visit the Anioł photo album.

Brian and I wish her fields of high wavy grass to bound through, a cold swim in the water on a hot day, an open window, and a world of love.

I will always remember how she saw me through some of the darkest moments in my life and walked with me through some of the best.
I will never forget how she helped me walk up the hills.

She was a great pal.

- - - David

"Ask the animals, and they will teach you." Job 12:7-10


Anonymous said...

good bye dear ani... you have had a life that is full of love....

Anonymous said...

I for one will miss sweet Aniol. Bless you. Ruby Montana

Anonymous said...

goodbye sweet Ani. Hugs to you David and Brian.

Anonymous said...

we will all miss you our friendly friend.....

Anonymous said... have documented a beautiful tribute to your Aniol. Tears are streaming down my face. Your words demonstrate a deep love and I have no doubts that you gave Aniol a fabulous life, so keep that thought close as you trudge forward into your new slightly empty world. Again, what a lovely tribute. Very sweet and moving.

Anonymous said...

Oh, David, my heart hurts, and my eyes have filled with tears looking at this picture and knowing how much you have loved this beautiful dog. I am so sorry and if you need an ear (or an eye to read your words) I am here! Yes, sometimes a favorite meal lets us see that once young happy pup one last time. My first two dogs had a pizza feast, however, Micah, the last one, my labmix, didn't even bother to lick it. Hugs to you and Brian!