There was a David
and a dog,
And Yo Yo is her name-o.
(Clap) - Y - o - Y - o !
(Clap) - Y - o - Y - o !
(Clap) - Y - o - Y - o !
And Yo Yo is her name-o
There I was, sitting at my desk thinking of my lost love, Anioł, the dog who left us on my mother’s birthday in 2008. (THAT in itself isn’t the strange part, I think of Anioł often.)
I opened up facebook, saw there was a note from Bunny Girl waiting for me in my inbox and clicked on it. “ Did you need another puppy girl, one of uncertain heritage?” the puppy was one of seven born to the dog of her niece and needed a home. I thought NO, I thought Maybe, I thought, B said NO. I wrote Jenn back, “I would LOVE a puppy. I am not allowed, at present, to get one. He who makes the bacon says no. Maybe you could plaster my wall with photos and we could guilt him into it? It's worth a try”
Jenn sent the photos. Any ball of young animal fluff is difficult not to love. For me, puppies in particular.
Whatever reservations of getting a new puppy immediately vanished. POOF
The pup's given name was Holly. She was born to a young mother who was a mix of Australian Shepard (recognized for their trainability, eagerness to please, highly successful use as a therapy dog, and, above all, companionship); Border Collie (often cited as the most intelligent of all dogs); and a little Chow (the ultimate guard dog). Her father was a mix of Husky (a loving, gentle, playful, willful, mischievous, happy-go-lucky dog) and German Shepard (strength, intelligence and the ultimate trainee). These are the breeds we know about, there may be more in there somewhere. These breeds are some of my all time favorites. A little bit of Weimaraner would have been nice, but I already have of house full of that.
Another of my favorite PEOPLE is a woman I met from W-S that also goes by the name of Holly. I wrote her and asked if the coincidence was a good sign or a bad omen. She replied. “Well...I guess that is a debatable topic . . . I say go for it. You'll be able to say stuff like, ‘HOLLY! Don't pee on the rug!!! ‘ " Did I mention that Holly always makes me laugh?
Jennifer drove me across the state to her niece’s house in South Haven, MI. Jacqui was waiting for us, waving at us from the end of the driveway. The parents were at the window, they seemed to be smiling. We walked into the house and met them, and the pups. I picked up the black fluff ball (dog) known as Holly.
She didn’t squeal, she didn’t squirm, she licked my nose. It was then that I noticed her markings: white chin, white chest and four white toes. She was marked like Anioł. I was a bit taken aback, it was like a reincarnation. I admit that my eyes may have welled up a little.
I would never get a puppy to “take the place” of a lost dog. That would be like setting the dog up for failure and very unfair. But I was not looking for a replacement. I didn’t even know that I was looking for a dog. It was like she came looking for me, (or at least she had sent scouts).
I may be naming her Yo Yo, but for me her middle name will alway be Fate.
~ “What fates impose, that men must needs abide; it boots not to resist both wind and tide.” ~
~ “Fate throws fortune, but not everyone catches.” ~
~ “Angels deliver Fate to our doorstep - and anywhere else it is needed. “ ~
A Question: Why did I choose the name Yo Yo? Isn’t that a bit demeaning?
An Explanation: Growing up my favorite uncle, Uncle Eugene and his wife Aunt Dolly were the lights of my life. They entertained us kids like no other adult would. They were fun. We’d constantly go over their house in Detroit, we’d take memorable vacations where the major goal was not a destination but to be with them.
This aunt and uncle invariably referred to me, my brother, sister and all my many cousins with the same name “Yo Yo”. It wasn’t a put down, you could hear the love in their voices when they said it, it was a term of endearment. Since then I have always loved nick names, and that particular one is the zenith of all the names. So no, I am not making fun, putting down, or making her a joke. Quite the opposite. The word Anioł is Polish for angel. The name Yo Yo is David for love.
I teared up a little reading this. Such a beautiful story David. I think Aniol would approve of you taking in a puppy who needs a good home. Especially one that looks like it belongs already!
so sweet...dolly and eugene would be happy.... ani would be happy. life is good and in the perfect order.
Okay, I got my first cry of the day out of the way ... lovely story, adorable puppy, beautiful man.
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