Less than a week after our return from hot humid heavenly NOLA I was being wheeled in for a little surgical tune-up. The umbilical hernia that was protruding from my abdomen for so long it had earned the nickname “my little alien” had been recently joined with one a little above it and another a little “below” it. This unknown doctor had been recommended by my new not much better known GP who had been “pin the tail on the donkey” chosen from a three page list provided by my beloved but retiring OLD GP.
Because I had had two previous laparoscopic hernia surgeries I was both optimistic and no longer a candidate for yet more. This procedure would have to be the old fashioned, hands on (in), scalpel cutting kind. Still I was optimistically expecting a few days of recovery. WRONG
This one seemed to get worse, not better, with the passing of time. This time I REFILLED the prescription pain killer TWICE and the doctor eventually threw in some antibiotics too (for the infection that set in). I’m not complaining, I survived. It’s just that a month+ of my summer has been spent on shuffling, house-bound, couch sitting solitude. AGAIN. A month of “Hey Gods, I just did this a few months ago!” feeling tired, mopey, grumpy and sorry for myself.
There’s an upside though. All this concentrating on the leaking incisions, taped gauze and a different sort of pill collection has taken my mind off the stroke. I was able to trick myself with this diversionary tactic from the tedious relearning and therapeutic remastering of simple BORING tasks. Walking slowly down the hall I was thinking about the belly NOT the wobbling.
Looking back, this was quite enjoyable. Surely there’s a suitable parable for this. Like “Don’t count your chickens in one silver basket” or something. This muddled brain can’t think of one so please provide a suitable one of your own. Perhaps you could email it to me?
Following on their heals was our Seattle pal Calyn. Who graciously made her way to our door for an overnight after visiting family in Okemos before she made a journey to her Ol’ Kentucky home.
Seeing the C after all these years was a godsend, a blessing and even MORE sheer joy for this patient and his caretaker. The brief hours spent touring Hidden Lake Garden, visiting Ann Arbor, shopping for scooters, having (a recession improved?) fine dinner at Evan’s Street or just couch potato-ing and schmoozing was the best medicine I could request. The memory of her smile AND the thrill of her laughter AND the glowing warmth of her presence may have dimmed but now I clearly recalled the love she radiates so freely.
Look for the silver lining kids, that golden cup of nectar from the gods, it’s there somewhere. You may need it when you’re on the sofa, staring at your toes, realizing how easily the world goes on without you.
- - - David
"mopey, grumpy, and sorry for your self" the best of the dwarfs.
If they had given you better drugs you could have seen more silver linings and all sorts of fun creatures: heffilups, woosals, pink elephants, giant bunnies.
If you are going to insist on having people cut you open, demand really good drugs!!! How else are you going to take an "imaginary vacation" from your vacation?
your summer vacation.... i loved it - and i lifted another quote from you for my 'silly' fb page - 'cause you are my idol and on some weird level kinda my soulmate! lots of hard days but mostly wonderful days - i'll take them ALL ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
love you so much... time together will always be one of my cherished memories of the summer of '09....keep the guest room tidy...I WILL be back! xoxcmd
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