Tuesday, March 10, 2009


My view from the sofa,
(courtesy of my iPhone)

I didn’t see Dawn. I didn’t see Marj. I didn’t get into Frontera. I did spend good time with Luka and Boden.

I got to do a lot in a little time. Not only did I get out of the house, I got out of state! I didn’t even get dizzy (much). I also got to see Tracy and Ray and Ann. I got a breakfast of waffles (Thanks Boden, Thanks Ray), I got a Chicago Mexican Dinner (Thanks to Tracy) AND thanks to Ann’s reservations I got a foot massaging pedicure! I will never reveal which I liked best: waffles, dinner, feet attention, but I will say I got a lot of happy.

Boden and Luka are Tracy and Ray’s boys, 2 and 4, and both lovely, polite and TALKING. They are not yet mesmerized by my sage how-to advice so it was difficult to get my many (potential) words in to the conversation, but they held this grateful audience’s attention and we never strayed far from their side.

Even though someone peed on the guest room carpet and even though no one would own up to the crime the hosts were gracious and forgiving and we thank them.

I am now back, in captivity, and ever so grateful for being let out into the world. I hope to be let out again soon.

With good behavior?

- - - David

1 comment:

little grasshopper in Vegas said...

The well worded insight you provide is something I always enjoy. I use it as guidance in my own life. In a way, you're my Zen master. You might wobble a little or talk funny but I don't notice it. It seems we notice things about ourselves that others do not. Although I know I don't notice because I'm listening to or reading your sage advice or some epic story you're sharing from one of the distant and far away lands you've experienced.

Today I was talking with my friend Gina about how people change. Although we change because of our surroundings, experiences or cohabitors, at the core, we remain the same. So even if you're a little wobbly or you've lost your big laugh, you've replaced it or added on many other new things that people will come to love and by which people will be terribly annoyed. It's part of the outside changing. However, at your core, you're still my Zen master with stories from far away lands offering perspective and encouragement and, really, that's all that matters. :)