Yesterday was spent honoring our dog.
Today is the day we honor our favorite show girl’s birthday. No, no not Bette, but Steph.
We celebrate her day by canceling all pop quizzes until after the Holidaze. Everyone gets an A.
- - - D
A stepping stone to our bigger website
Yesterday was spent honoring our dog.
Today is the day we honor our favorite show girl’s birthday. No, no not Bette, but Steph.
We celebrate her day by canceling all pop quizzes until after the Holidaze. Everyone gets an A.
- - - D
As a human, she’d only just be a girl, as a dog she’s all grown-up and grey muzzled.
In either case it’s her birthday today, and it’s worth celebrating!
She’s 12 and she’s S O P H I E !
We salute you.
- - David
Walker in hand. I did my duty. Duty. Right. Privilege? . . . you decide. But we did it, Brian and I.
The scanner was broken so I don’t know if it counted, but I did it. I Marked my ballot and handed it in, the historic 2008 American election.
I can only hope my candidate wins, and all is well and my country is no longer led by a fool . . . I think we’ll be fine either way, getting “W” out is enough for me. Recovery is bound to happen eventually,
I’ll be patient.
- - - D
Now . . . Where was I?
Whisking cross the dessert?
Running across the Planes?
In any case, here I am NOW, an inVALID? A Drooling, Talking-Funny InVALID. . .
using a walker!
And happy to do so!
ReHab is humbling, I no longer look at life the same way. Now I am SO Happy with the LITTLE Things in life.
Sunshine and Fresh air are wonderful gifts, not to be missed or taken for granted, neither are friends (however infrequently seen) Or Family (However FAR AWAY) OR Loved ones. (However angry at you) Or the freedom just to walk outside and dig in the soil . . .
All are worthy of Incredible Respect.
All should be constantly thanked.
All are gifts to be grateful for.
As Joni says . . . “You don’t know what you got . . . til it’s gone.”
Or as John McCain says, “You learn ‘Not to waste time!’ “
And I am Grateful . . . for learning this in time.
I wouldn't recommend a stroke, or a months stay in the hospital to anyone, but it was an eye opener.
- - - David